
Top 5 Signs That It’s Time to Replace Your Toilet

Toilets aren’t usually good conversation starters. They’re a touchy subject for certain individuals, and someone might kick you under the table if you bring it up at dinner. That’s a shame because we’ve all heard at least one humorous story of a toilet gone wrong. You might miss out on tips on your own thorny toilet. You could end up paying a fortune on repairs if you don’t get answers. Worse, you could overlook the issue and wind up with a plumbing disaster. Because knowledge is power, as your trusted plumber in Sunnyvale and plumber in Santa Clara company, we put together helpful guides for you to determine when to replace your toilet.

Water Leaks in Toilet
  1. Constant Clogging

While clogged toilets are not uncommon, having one that is always backed up indicates that something is amiss. If you get clogs more than once a week, or if they appear at random, it may be time to retire the commode. If you have an outdated low-flush toilet, this could be the case. Older low-flush toilets are notorious for causing random stoppages and necessitating many flushes most of the time. Modern technology has advanced substantially, and low-flush solutions have greatly improved. If you like the water-saving benefits, you should invest in a new model and get your toilet replaced by a professional plumber in Sunnyvale.

  1. Crack in Your Tank

Have you observed any puddles near the toilet’s base? Unless you have a child who hasn’t mastered the art of aiming, you may have a cracked tank. You can begin by conducting your own inspection. Examine the tank from the inside and outside. The location of the crack affects whether or not a repair is necessary. If it’s below the waterline, you may need to replace the toilet tank. At that time, the majority of homeowners will replace the complete toilet. Tank cracks are not always obvious, especially if they are hairlines. If you are unable to locate a visible crack, a plumber in Santa Clara should be called in to conduct a complete check.

  1. Inefficient Flushing

When your water bills are high, investing in a new, water-efficient toilet can help you save money. The ordinary toilet uses three to five gallons of water per flush, but a low-flush toilet uses roughly two gallons. If you have a large family or care about the environment, this adjustment can help you save money.

  1. Leaking Toilet

Despite the fact that cracks are not always visible to the naked eye, they are easier to detect than leaks. Toilet leaks might go unnoticed for months. It’s not that you’re a careless toilet owner; you simply aren’t aware that you have a leak. You probably won’t see water on the floor like you would if your tank was busted. How can you detect if you have a leak because they can be sneaky? Take a look at your water bill! Leaking toilets waste a large amount of water. Check for a leak if your bill suddenly rises without explanation. The unpleasant effect of a renegade toilet is damaged flooring and subflooring. A leaking toilet in an upstairs bathroom can cause water damage in the rooms downstairs if left to its own devices. If your toilet is ancient and leaking, replacing it is the most cost-effective option.

  1. Old and Inefficient

This final item is mainly concerned with efficiency. When the Environmental Protection Agency discovered how much water conventional toilets wasted, they enacted the Energy Policy Act in 1992. This act requires residential toilets to use no more than 1.6 gallons of water per flush. There are several low-flow choices available these days that use half that amount of water or less. If you care about the environment or want to save money on water, it’s time to make a change.

You now understand when it is necessary to replace a toilet. Hopefully, we’ve removed some of the mystique around the toilet, which is the most often used fixture in your home. Or, at the very least, we are here to assist you in determining when to replace a toilet. Whether your toilet is constantly clogged or your bathroom floor is constantly flooded, we can assist you in replacing your toilet. And, because we understand that crises don’t often occur during office hours, Bueno Plumbing offers a 24-hour emergency service line available to take your call whenever you need us most.

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