Plumbing Inspection Tips For Home Buyers
Plumbing Inspection Tips For Home Buyers

Plumbing Inspection Tips For Home Buyers

A house is a significant investment, so every home buyer should have a professional plumbing inspection before accepting an offer. The plumbing system is another essential home component that should be thoroughly inspected before purchase. Once you’ve moved in, an old, out-of-date plumbing system can cause a slew of problems—and these issues can drain your bank account.

Plumbing issues are easy to miss, and home inspectors may not check all fixtures, pipes, drains, and sewer lines. No one wants a house that is a money pit. To avoid this, have a professional plumbing inspection before making an offer on a home.

Here are some plumbing inspection hints that all home buyers should be aware of:

Examine The Toilets

Flush all the toilets and keep an eye on them to ensure they work. Homebuyers should also look for discoloration and soft spots in the flooring near the bathroom. If there is a leak, the floor can quickly rot. If your plumbing inspection shows that the damage has already been done, you might not want to buy the house.

Assess The Capacity Of The Wastewater System

Homes typically use either a septic system, the municipal or county sewage system, or both. In either case, clogs and leaks can potentially cause significant property damage. Keep an eye out for foul odors and pools of water in the yard, and think about having a professional video camera plumbing inspection of the sewer lines performed.

Water Heater Inspection

Have you heard that the cost of replacing a water heater can easily reach several thousand dollars? You will want to avoid dealing with this expense as much as possible if you purchase a home. Problems can be identified by dampness, rust, and a shortage of hot water. In addition, a water heater over ten years old is getting close to the end of its useful life span.

Take A Look At The Drains

Drains that are clogged can result in serious plumbing leaks, which can be very expensive to repair for home buyers. To ensure that the gutters are clear of obstructions as part of your plumbing inspection, turn on the faucets in each room and allow them to run for a few minutes. Also, check under the sinks for old water stains and mold, as these indicate plumbing issues in the past.

Watch Out For Marks Left Behind By Water

When you are touring the home, be sure to look up at the ceilings. If you find any brown stains, the house has either a broken pipe or a leaking roof. The colors may result from a problem that has already been fixed, but as a potential home buyer, you need to find out before you make an offer.

Do you need a plumber who can attend to your plumbing requirements? Quick, give Bueno Plumbing a call! You will sleep easier knowing that our plumber has given the new home of your dreams our stamp of approval. You will see what you are up against with the plumbing system in your home if you conduct a thorough inspection. Contact us for information on scheduling a home plumbing inspection or for answers to any questions you may have.

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